Friday, May 23, 2014

I Scream, You Scream...

TGIF!!! This week flew by and I will be even busier next week. The busier I get with work, the more money, the shorter time that I have to wait to buy a new Mark 6D Canon. I have been youtubing about it and reading online reviews. I talked to the camera man about it. I am in love. If everything goes well, I will be able to get it in a week and a half. Then it is on people, watch out because what is next is the large format camera then I am going to crush it. Okay, onto something else, it's friday and every friday now is going to be sweet treat friday. Why? because why not? Since I have become quite the workaholic, Fridays are the days to just relax, have a glass of wine or four and indulge.  Here is what I have for you guys, ice cream. It is the hardest thing to photograph. I have 30 seconds to shoot and I would have to replace it or just deal with it. I got a shot and that is all I need. I am starting everything simple on this blog and growing into more complex meals. Just put some chocolate sauce and sprinkles on some vanilla ice cream and watch chick flicks all day is a my type of day!

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